We’re building an electrifying community of people who care deeply about helping the world go electric — to save money, breathe better, and help the planet.

We believe everyone deserves to live in a safe, healthy home, free of fossil fuels.

And we need the help of like-minded storytellers, content creators, and everyday community citizens to reimagine what going electric means and share the benefits it brings. By becoming an Electric Enthusiast, you’ll join a collective of people who want to use their creativity, humor, and big heart to benefit their community.

Partner with us

We are looking for creative and community-minded people who know how to connect with others — online and IRL — to create and share electric stories. Whether you’re an individual, non-profit, community-based organization, or an agency, we want to work with you! As an Electric Enthusiast, you will:

  • Create content, host events, and help others go electric

  • Participate in local and national campaigns with Rewiring America

  • Join a supportive network of creators and innovators

  • Grow your reach

Become an electric enthusiast!

Join a collective of people who want to use their creativity, humor, and big heart to benefit their community.

Join now!


I don’t know anything about electrification, can I still join the program?

Absolutely, we will help you learn the basics so that you feel confident to share with others in your own creative way.

Anything! We look to you to create what’s best for your community. We’ll help you craft key messages, but execution is up to you.

Anything! Can you host an electric happy hour? Hang out at a local fun fair sharing electric info? Bring people together to distribute lawn signs and take pics for your neighborhood Facebook group? We want you!

Share your email to join our Electric Enthusiasts mailing list. You'll be the first to receive the program application.

Rewiring America has an active, passionate community of folks who follow us and share our stories. We will amplify your content on our owned channels including on social media, our website, and our newsletter.

Next steps

Share your email below

We'll make sure you receive the application once it's live!

Spread the word

Know people who’d enjoy working with us? Share this page with them.

Get your ‘lectric ‘learning on

Sign up for an upcoming session of Why Electrify, our short and fun electrification overview course.

“I am that lady who hosts heat pump parties on her street. I invite friends and neighbors and curious souls to come on over for heat pump cake and cocktails and ask the deep questions about going electric.”

— Sarah Lazarovic